Ian’s blog

there was never an alternative

you may dress like them,
eat like them,
shit like them,
but deep down,
you aren't like them.

purposeless work,
life devoid of art,
frayed relationships,
feeling restless.

there was never an alternative.

most will never get it,
when everything falls into place,
when years feel like weeks,
when six months of progress happen in six weeks,
and you stop counting.

there's no feeling like it.

let your flesh rip away,
through intensity,
for a mission,
that feels like life or death.

because it is.

-Ian Chan

inspired by Zach Pogrob's writing, Sartre and de Beauvoir fateful day at the cafe, Nietzsche's sporadic ten day writing of TSZ, and that killer Econ season I had with Aden & Zheng Feng in year six–what a we had run ey.
