Ian’s blog

potential's barometer

live life dangerously,
full of zest.
build worlds on the slopes of Vesuvius!
cross the Rubicon!
bleed at Borodino!

It is the only way to know
what you had in the first place,
what was within
—your potential.

only at the tail end of life
will you see
what lay dormant within.
can only be accurately measured
in retrospect.

and this on the grand condition,
that you gave it you all,
left it all on the field.

in the years leading to death,
develop a galloping neurosis,
a cruel attitude,

at death,
a withering,
slow prick,
with a gnawing ache,
from the impossibility
of turning back time.

what was I capable of?
don't leave with wasted potential,
I beg.

- Ian Chan

#poems #selected