Ian’s blog

engine en route infinity

don't define yourself by bounds,
the world knows no fixed structure.
everything is fluid, dynamic,
limited by self-conception, mere.

find mentors, infinite wisdom reservoirs,
not just curriculum or guides.
if you think you're bound to learn,
only what a syllabus defines,
you are sorely mistaken.
you are not sentenced to
whichever school you go to,
whichever parents you are born to,
whichever peers you are mixed with,
within each of us lies an infinity.

don't root yourself to notions, conceptions, of success,
what you can achieve.
not Olympic dreams,
not Nobel's distant,
not MacArthur's acclaim,
but build the engine that redeems.

the engine burns every day,
like clockwork, a relentless, undying beat.
hours in research,
hours on the mat,
through which, problems sway.

dedicate yourself to a problem,
a problem so intoxicating,
you fall in love with,
keeps you restless at night,
oh so sweet.

mark time by passages toward problems,
years that pass by in days,
days that pass by in years.
and before you know it,
you'll become a version of yourself you didn't think was possible before,
but it was always possible,
you just had to let go,
and let the engine rip.

oh, the places you'll go!

- Ian Chan

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